Minnesota Winters

Minnesota Winters

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving Sunset

I was taking my Dad back to his place after a GREAT Thanksgiving dinner (my first with the family in 30 years), we pulled away from my Sister’s house and saw a gorgeous sunset. I quickly jumped out of the car, grabbed my camera and started snapping away. My poor Dad sat in my car patiently waiting for me to finish. I spent about 15 minutes getting a variety of shots and slipped into the driver’s seat impressed with the evening sky.

My Dad looked at me and said, “You acted like that was the last sunset you would be seeing.”

“Did you see that sunset?” I questioned.

“Yes and I would like to see more. Set the emergency brake next time you hop out of the car.”

I glanced down and noticed he had his foot firmly pressed against the brake pedal. I quietly replaced his foot with mine, started the car and shifted it into gear. As I drove down the road my Dad quietly muttered to himself, “And they took away MY car keys!”

Needless to say, Dad was having one of his better days.

The three attached photos were taken (according to my father) at great risk to his well being. I hope you enjoy them.

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