Minnesota Winters

Minnesota Winters

Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Day with Dad

He sits there reading a book called “Red Hot Mamas Do Menopause with Style”. Well, reading is a slight stretch. He just picks up the book and turns pages until another book on the light stand grabs his attention. He will pick that book up and leaf through it. Eventually he will make it back to the book “Red Hot Mama” , laugh and ask me if I have read this book. My answer will always be ‘no’ which is followed by the response about how he thinks it is a good book because of the title.

My Dad isn’t a speed reader nor is he a zealous reader. He has just become forgetful. It is the early stages of dementia.

He will hum a nondescript tune and slowly turn the pages which he has little interest in except the book covers and titles. This is broken up with short naps and the occasional question to me about what would I like to do.

This is a loaded question and can be interpreted in several ways.

The correct interpretation is “I would like to get out of here!”

Friday, July 23, 2010

Lord Fletcher's Visit

It was time for a trip to Lord Fletchers (www.lordfletchers.com). I cannot afford this place all the time, so I save up some money and treat myself about once a month. A visit is always interesting. I like to sit out at ‘The Wharf’ and watch the powerboats glide filled with large balanced credit cards clinching to their owners. Each passenger is sporting customized indoor tans and looking like an old leather couches found at a garage sale.

The docks comes to life as swimsuit clad teenagers (girls as well as boys) snap up up boat lines tossed from approaching boats and quickly secure them to the slips. For their efforts, the smiling boat owners hand out cash to the eager helpers and head for the bar. You can normally guess the size of the tip, by how the amount of time the smile remain on the dock helpers faces once the boat owner steps away.
I have been there several times and started to notice the same faces in the same places. The regulars have their well worn seats at the bar and seem to have a lot of money and time to entertain a rotating assortment of guests. A walk through the parking lot will reveal the customer base. Custom license plates which read ‘TEDDY’, ‘NATE 58’ and ‘NAH TE’ attached to large SUVs, BMWs and Lexus sedans.

The bartenders are all college-age women, dressed in tight white shorts and tight fitting t-shirts. When the temperature changes, you don’t need a thermometer to know it. Just a dark pair of sunglasses to hide your focused gaze.
The $15 Maine lobsters dinners are new this year and usually available every Wednesday from 4pm to 9pm. They ran out of lobster by the time I showed up the other day. I am not a big lobster fan and was thrilled when they offered me a walleye fillet for $10 as a substitute. Walleye is the regional fish which is very expensive and GOOD!
For now, I will sit here, slowly drinking my $5 Budweiser and pray for a sudden rainstorm each time a waitress passes my table.