Minnesota Winters

Minnesota Winters

Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Day with Dad

He sits there reading a book called “Red Hot Mamas Do Menopause with Style”. Well, reading is a slight stretch. He just picks up the book and turns pages until another book on the light stand grabs his attention. He will pick that book up and leaf through it. Eventually he will make it back to the book “Red Hot Mama” , laugh and ask me if I have read this book. My answer will always be ‘no’ which is followed by the response about how he thinks it is a good book because of the title.

My Dad isn’t a speed reader nor is he a zealous reader. He has just become forgetful. It is the early stages of dementia.

He will hum a nondescript tune and slowly turn the pages which he has little interest in except the book covers and titles. This is broken up with short naps and the occasional question to me about what would I like to do.

This is a loaded question and can be interpreted in several ways.

The correct interpretation is “I would like to get out of here!”

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