Minnesota Winters

Minnesota Winters

Monday, February 21, 2011


I woke up this morning, had a hot coffee and stared at the newly formed snowdrift hindering the view out my window. After one more cup I tossed on my coat and grabbed a broom with the intent to poke at piles of snow in search of my truck.   I didn’t have the fancy remote starter on my vehicle, so I avoided the snowdrifts making noise, found the most likely spot and started tunneling my way into the icy mountain. I took me 10 minutes to clear the drivers’ side, 20 seconds to realize it wasn’t my car and 30 minutes to burrow to the correct vehicle.

As I finished clearing off my truck, a snowflake slowly drifted down and landed on my nose. I looked up and realized it wasn’t alone. It was snowing again. Mother Nature doesn’t have a sense of humor, she is sadistic.

I mumbled a few choice words, turned off my truck and slowly made my way past cars that were once mounds of snow to get inside where it was warm. Entering the building, I held the door for a lady who stepped outside and said, “Looks like some nice person clear my drivers’ side, Thank you.”

A car pulled up and the passenger door swung open as she stepped to it. Before hopping in, she look back at me and said, “Too bad I am not the car pool today. You can finish the job later after you warm up.”

I watched the car-load of women slowly navigate out of the parking lot and swear to God, the sound of laughter came from the vehicle as it disappeared into the swirling snow.

It’s almost 6 o’clock and STILL SNOWING!!!!
Occasionally, I have returned to my truck to brush off the accumulating snow. Making sure that the icy collection ends up on the car next to me. I hope tomorrow is her turn for carpooling.


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