Minnesota Winters

Minnesota Winters

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Snowing Once Again

There was a brand new foot of snow on the ground this morning. It was a kick in the gut. But the next kick was a little lower. Underneath that white mess was an inch of ice from the freezing rain the day before. My truck looked like a glacier after I brushed off the snow. I chipped away at the ice to gain access to my drivers’ side lock only to discover it was frozen solid. I had no way to get into my truck to warm it. I had to walk ½ mile down to the closest gas station (not to worry Travis, it was not a Citgo) only to discover they were out of ‘Lock De-Icer’. Seems they had a run on it that very morning.

After demonstrating to the clerk a good old Florida greeting, my solution was to buy a ‘Bic Lighter’, slog back to my ice coated truck and spend 20 minutes heating my car key then inserting it in the lock. I let out a triumphant chuckle when the lock finally released, but that sound quickly turned into insane babbling when I realized the door was unlocked, but still frozen shut!

I was still chipping, pulling, cussing and pounding when my neighbor walked by smiled and asked me if I was aware that Monday was the first day of Spring. Without waiting for an answer, she got into her “remotely started” pre-warmed car and pulled away.

Hanging from the side of my car like Spiderman, hands on the door handle, feet leveraged on the side quarter panel, I started screaming!

Do you think Jim and Phyllis would notice if I showed up for coffee one morning pretending like I had never left?

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm !

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