Minnesota Winters

Minnesota Winters

Friday, April 15, 2011

Thumbs Up!

I learned a simple biology lesson this week. How critical a thumb is. Yes, a THUMB!

My thumb was crushed earlier this week when a car door wedged it between a car frame and door. I was my own fault. I was between live shots and I was trying to help a news crew from Bismarck, ND restart their rental car. After the third attempt, the reporter, highly agitated, jumped out of the drivers seat, shut the car door and started swearing. With my poor thumb suddenly trapped, I joined her. But I believe I was louder.!

The damage was done. At first, it really didn’t hurt. That evening I slipped into bed with a small throbbing and awoke with a thumb the size of, well; circumcision wasn’t out of the question.

I was in extreme pain. Thank God, I was once a lefty, or I would have still been sitting on that toilet seat, trying to turn on the shower.

Buckling up my jeans then zipping them up became a labor of pain. I actually had to reach across my car’s steering column with my left hand to start the car. You don’t want to know how I buckled my seatbelt. It was becoming a chore to reach for my cup of morning coffee. To hold anything was a punishment. I started to realize that the thumb and forefinger was the most important digits on the hand.

Then the trip to the Dr’s that evening! 5 Minutes, a few x-rays and $1000 later I found out I was fine. I have no insurance so it is a cash option. I can see why Americans are against Public Health care. Who wants to spend that much money to discover you are fine! Good decision, USA.

I persevered through the morning shows, then painfully waited for the remaining assignments. I was luckily released and instructed to head home. The Aleve and coffee helped me to get home. The Bushmill Irish Whisky and beer helped me once I was home.

My thumb has now diminished to twice the size of my other thumb, I think by the time I am scheduled to work on Monday, I will be fine. I can already gives a thumbs-up then flip some off with no pain. I will loose the fingernail; I just do not know when it will happen. I just have to go with the flow.

The lesson I learned, do not lean on a car with an excitable reporter behind the wheel. And Do Not go to an Emergency Room with no insurance. They double the price!!!!!!!

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